Long hot Labor Day weekend – Day 3, Sunday

While I’m over half way thru the pile of gravel, I need to go for a hike. I decided on Saturday not to use the car for 4 days, so my only real choice was to go real early with the truck so I could be back in time for Wendy to go to work, or have her drop me off and I would hike home. Since I didn’t want to get up early, I decided the latter choice would be best, so I got two wheelbarrows of gravel moved, then it was time to go. Wendy dropped me at Rattlesnake Lake and I hiked up the John Wayne Trail to Twin Falls and home. 11:30 to 2, 6 miles. It wasn’t strenuous, but I did feel blisters starting so it worked out just right. And it was just enough exercise.

After an hour rest, I got back to the gravel. By 5:30 it was down substantially and I took some time to spread more around. The weather is perfect for this. Mid 80’s. Slight breeze. A little humid but once I’m done I’ll shower up and rest.

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