Sept 19 Lodge Lake

I had a few things to do this morning, so my hiking was delayed until noon. But I really needed some exercise so I finally went where there were fewer people, on the PCT from Snoqualmie Pass ski area south. I last did this trail on Aug 2 ’14. I started at 1230, my intention was to go 3 miles to the overlook above the old RR tunnel, but as I climbed to the top of the ski area, the drizzle started. It was warm out, so I didn’t have a jacket, and I would’ve been too hot and sweaty in it anyway, so I just kept going. Came across a trail work party about 1 mile in, just before Lodge Lake. When I got to the lake, which I hadn’t been to before, the drizzle was getting heavier. After  the lake, I went a little beyond, on the trail it wasn’t bad under tree cover, but it wasn’t going to end soon, so I just turned around and headed back.

On the way back my right thigh started to cramp. Never had that happen before. So I started drinking more water and just pushed on. Slowed me down a tad, but I still got back to the car in about 50 minutes. Total RT about 4 miles.

Small You Tube video of Lodge Lake:

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