Umtanum Falls and Iron Horse State Park

Another fantastic weekend, weather clear and warm, mid 80’s and breezy, and virtually NO humidity, can’t be anymore comfortable than that. So I headed east to Ellensburg to find another new trail that I’ve read about recently, and give it a try. I intended to leave the house early, like 7-730 but got delayed by a problem with a computer I am rebuilding. Ended up leaving around 930. By the time I got there and started hiking it was 1130. But that was good as it was almost time for a lunch on the trail. Umtanum Falls, turns out, was a very easy short hike to a quite beautiful little area in a valley between short hills. A lot shorter than I expected, just a mile from the trailhead to the falls, with an easy grade down the valley floor too. There were ten cars in the parking area, and I ran into maybe half of their owners walking out as I went in. Looked like many were college students from CWU. When I got to the falls, there were maybe 10 people there that all left while I was eating my lunch. I was then alone for about 30 minutes, quiet except for the water falling. There isn’t much water going over the falls as might be earlier in the spring with more run off, and I’m guessing later in the summer it will probably be all dried up, so my timing was right. Here is Google Maps link. Zoom out to see Ellensburg about 10 miles to the north.

P1010987 P1010994 P1010995 P1010996P1010997 P1020007 P1020004 P1010988

After an easy hike back out, I was back at the car at 1pm with no where near my limit of exercise so I drove back thru Ellensburg, took the old highway back to Cle Elum and headed for Easton where I was last week. Instead of going up a mountain, I stopped at the Easton trail head for Iron Horse state park, the old Milwaukee RR grade.  I got there about 215 and decided to walk east, as far as I could for an hour. I got about 2.5 miles from the trailhead to West Nelson Siding Rd then turned around. Here is google maps link.

P1020014 P1020013 The trail is next to and parallel with the BNSF Stampede Pass line from Auburn to Ellensburg. I hoped I would see a train go by but no such luck. There is a wye at Easton, I never knew there was one there.

P1020016 And of course I saw the mountain where I was last weekend, Easton Ridge.

The wind was blowing maybe 20 mph, and felt good in the sun, kept me dry. There were ranches and acreage properties along the trail that you just don’t get a good look at driving by on the freeway. Walking by there was lots to see but no real activity. A quiet day. I was home by about 5 and then washed the dust off the car from the dirt roads over there. I got some sun and it felt good to be out in it. A great day.

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