Kachess Ridge and Iron Horse State Park along Lake Kachess

Saturday the 21st the forecast was for clear skies and warming – mid 70’s. Got up at 5, had oatmeal and was on the road at 630. Headed east over Snoqualmie Pass back to Easton again, this time to hike Kachess Ridge trail.


This was the same trailhead as my Easton Ridge hike a couple weeks ago, only this time I followed the trail signed for Kachess Ridge.

I arrived at the parking area at 730 and only one other car. I was on the trail at 740 and it began steeply. The first 1/2 mile was steep and slippery with dry dirt and loose rocks. Coming down might be interesting. I had not checked out this trail online so I had no idea where it went or what to expect. I only thought it might be a good one to try after seeing the sign two weeks ago and that I might have some views of the lake.

After about 1/4 mile, I realized I forgot to take my lunch out of the cooler sitting on the floor of the truck and put it in my pack. So all I had was a couple protein bars and the water on my back. I didn’t want to go back down and then up again to this point, so I decided I would continue for 1-1/2 hours or stop at the best viewpoint I came to.


The trail continued to climb in a north easterly direction and slowly worked its way into some sunshine. It was quite cool in the forest but felt good as I got warmer. I did not see Lake Kachess from any spot on the trail, as I was going away from it. About a mile and a half in I found one good vantage point from which to stop and look over the valley, but I didn’t feel I’d gone far enough so I continued on. The trail started heading back into heavy forest, and I could hear a good sized creek nearby. The trail took me closer to it, and it leveled out as well so the hiking was easier.

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In a half mile I started to see patches of snow. When they started to cross the trail, and I couldn’t see any clearing up ahead, I decided to turn around and head back to the viewpoint. So I rested there with a snack for 30 minutes or so.

IMG_0325 The mtn on upper left is Easton Ridge where I was 2 wks ago.

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IMG_0318I could see the top of Mt Rainier.

IMG_0326 This was my resting viewpoint from below.

While it was still cool with a breeze, low 60’s I guess, the sun was out and felt good. At 1000 I decided to hike back to the car and head over to the Stampede Pass exit at the east end of Keechelus Lake where I parked at the entrance to the Dam to walk west on the Iron Horse trail towards Snoqualmie Pass. This was another leg of the Iron Horse that I had not been on before.

It was 1100 when I got there so I decided to walk 1.5 hrs which I figured should put me about 1/2 way along the lake. This was on the south side of the lake parallel to I-90 so I could see the traffic and construction on the other side. At 1230 I found a perfect stopping point with a good view both east and west of the lake.

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I had my little folding trail seat with me so I set it up and had a comfortable place to sit while enjoying the view. While I ate my lunch, a boat drifted by in the wind with a couple people fishing. Although I waved, I don’t think they saw me. The easterly wind was quite breezy and cool at first, but as time went on it warmed up. I was surprised however by the high overcast which didn’t quite block out the sun.

The nicest part about this part of the Iron Horse was how few people there were compared with the North Bend-to-Snoq Pass leg. A few people on bikes passing me was all I saw, but I was all alone during the 45 minutes I had my lunch.

At 115 I packed up and started walking back. The wind was to my back and was starting to ease, and I was warming up again. But it was easy walking. Back at the truck at 230 and home by 330. Plenty of time to mow the lawn.

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