Beyond Snow Lake

Snow Lake from the Alpental parking area is usually very crowded on a nice weekend. It was no different on this Saturday. I wanted something close but still a good workout, and while I would have preferred to start at 730 or earlier, I didn’t get there until 830.

It was a cloudy morning to start the day, very low clouds in the mountains, and driving up to the pass I could hardly see any mountains around me. It was even light drizzle in a couple areas. Forecasts said it would burn off as the day went on so I didn’t let the clouds stop me. There were a lot of cars in the lot, but nothing like there would be when I got back to the car later.

Having hiked this trail so many times, there was nothing different this time, except the low clouds. After about 1 mile, it was starting to break up and you could peek a few ridgelines around and some blue sky here and there. There were many people on the trail. I played leap frog with a few as we alternately stopped for a break or take pictures. I was at the lake in 1 hour – 930, and just ambled my way on around the lake as if I was heading to Gem lake. I wasn’t but I figured I’d get halfway there just to get a decent view and to get away from the crowds. At 1030 I found a nice viewpoint just off trail and had my sandwich. I was alone for most of the 30 minutes I rested until a couple ladies asked me if they were on the right trail. I said no, it was “back that way” as they obviously had lost the original trail, what with all the various footpaths everywhere. Apparently they didn’t continue, just headed back down.

The sky continued to break up but it remained cool and just breezy enough to feel good. With all the clouds the humidity was high so it didn’t take much walking to sweat. But when the sun finally showed, it felt good.

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At about 11 I decided to head back. Many parts of the trail were very rocky and muddy so it was actually slower going down than up. I definitely don’t want to slip and fall. I was going against the crowds now and had to wait for many people, some large groups heading up, to pass. I finally made it back to the car around 130, took my boots off and had some V8 juice, then drove slowly down the old road thru Denny Creek campground and got on the freeway at Exit 47. Home by 215. All in all, I figured about 7 miles. A good day.

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