Day 6 Our route here; time to sleep in

Route Map

Above is our route map. You can click the thumbnail for a larger view. Total 2748 miles. Numbered points on the map outlined below at numbered cities.

Day 1 Richland[1] to Butte MT with a stop in Spokane[2] 479 miles

Day 2 Butte (thru Yellowstone[3]&[4]) to Rawlins WY[5] 513 miles

Day 3 Rawlins to Lincoln NE[6] 587 miles

Day 4 Lincoln to St.Louis[7] to Paducah TN[8] 619 miles

Day 5 Paducah to Aiken SC[9] 551 miles

Karen’s Vue used 115.336 gals for an average mpg of 23.826. The best mileage per tank was Belgrade MT thru Yellowstone to Lander WY, 313.8 miles for 27mpg. Much of that was in the park and 45mph or slower, and up to 9600 feet elevation. The worst mileage per tank was Lander to Cheyenne WY, 269.5 miles for 22.16mpg. It dropped because of some sidewinds AND 75 mph speed limit.


The lowest price per gal was here in Aiken when we arrived, $3.429. The highest price per gal was in Wallace ID at $3.999. The total cost for gas was $429.00, for an average 15.6 cents per mile.

The heaviest winds were southerly sidewinds from Cheyenne WY to Lincoln NE. While the Vue handled well, Karen’s shoulder got sore holding the wheel. So from there on she drove slightly less than I did. We did not keep track of who drove how many miles. But we think I did more by just a little bit. The first two days Karen drove the first half and I drove the second half. After that we switched every 2-3 hours.

While it was no problem getting up at 5:30 every morning enroute, even with changing time zones, it sure felt good to sleep in today. Karen is busier now settling in to the temporary apartment while David is working, and I’m enjoying the stay and helping as needed. Its sunny and bright, not as humid as Atlanta or Paducah or even Lincoln NE, but a bit. Pretty much enjoyable. I’ll join K&D this afternoon looking at houses with their realtor. And Friday afternoon the movers are supposed to show up with some of their stuff, so we may have some unpacking to do.

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