Party On

The party/reception was in the local community senior center and the allotted time was 6pm to 10pm. Setup began at 4pm and took us nearly 2 hours to do. We ran home at 5:45 to shower and dress in our costumes, then headed right back. We got there at 6:45 and many people(most costumed) were already there. Food, beer, & wine was plentiful and so most were partaking and enjoying. The band started a little after 7 and played some good music but there were only a few core people(including Wendy) who danced regularly thruout the evening. Most chose not to(including me; I was a scarecrow – I’d rather be nailed to a post). The band was good playing oldies and classic rock. A few pictures:

The party ended at 10 and we had to cleanup. Since there was way too much beer and food, much of it was passed out to those who were still there and helping cleanup. It went fast, and we were home by 11.

I came home with 3 cases of beer and 6 bottles of wine. When we reboxed the beer, they were wet having been in ice. I neglected to dry them off, stuck the boxes in the trunk of the car, and left them all night in the garage at moms. Further condensation from a cold night soaked the boxes, and a box of coffee(think wine box type), that we took for mom apparently had a slow leak so that further dampened the carpet in the trunk. This morning when I got up, I went out to repack and found a mess. Used a wet vac to get as much moisture out as I could, then when we got home, I put a small heater in the trunk for a couple hours to dry it out. Then I liberally sprayed the carpet with Fabrize. All better.

Before heading home, I worked more with the wetvac to clean out some of moms garage. Tons of bug remains and cobwebs in every corner. I got one wall done in the main part of the garage, and 3 walls in the small tool room. Lots more to do, and some weekend(s) we’ll need to clean out the garage entirely to sort and dump what isn’t worth cleaning or keeping, and set aside anything else we might want or to have a garage sale. A big job for another time.

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