May 20 Viking Funeral-Admirals Cove-Whidbey Island – Day 4 – THE BIG DAY!

We all woke up early, most showered and dressed before 7. Still breezy but skies show promise of clearing.  TODAY is the big day for “sailing mom out to sea”.

Randy was first up and busy making his crockpot of beans for the afternoon gathering. Everyone else has had at least a cup of coffee or two. Breakfast at 900 was cottage cheese pancakes with Danish syrup, melon, and 2 lbs of BACON. The 5 of us ate it ALL!

Randy and I went for a brief walk, while Wendy, Carolyn, and Vickie went to get ice for the cooler. When they came back, Randy took Vickies place in the car, and Vickie finished the walk back with me. We all hung out until noon, then it was time to gather all things necessary for moms service.

We were all set up at the clubhouse by 1pm, and waiting for other guests to arrive. I started 2 of 3 firepits at 130 so that the fresh oysters that Ken was bringing would be able to cook in-shell. Most people were there by 2pm when the “event” was scheduled. We all gathered on the beach by the clubhouse and formed a small circle for a brief prayer, then Wendy, Carolyn & I proceeded into the water with the boat for “sailing”.  Because it was still windy out, I was unable to get the fatwood sticks on the boat lit on fire, so we sailed her off without fire. We had no choice but to adapt to the weather, so Wendy and Carolyn ended up completely submerged(swimming) pushing the boat out as far as they could. I was impressed that they didn’t complain about being cold, and both said it wasn’t that bad! Their mind was on the subject at hand, not on the water, so it was easier.


Then the wind wouldn’t take the boat out, just kept returning it to shore. So Wendy adapted again and washed out the ashes and brought the boat to the third firepit to be burned later after hot dogs were done.

14 minute video here: (the sound is not great, you can turn up the volume but it probably won’t help much)

Once they appeared to be safe, Ken and I walked back to the fires and started putting the oysters on the grill. He brought 6 dozen! He and I had a couple of fresh raw oysters to start, but the ones being cooked each got butter, garlic, and parmesan cheese. I was the “waiter” passing them out to those willing to eat or try, while others had hot dogs to grill on the third fire pit. After the main meal, wendy had makings for Smores! Then it was time for pictures with the various cousins and guests.

We were done by about 6pm and time for cleanup. Loaded up the van with everything leftover, then headed for the house of the person in charge of the clubhouse to drop off the key. Back to the rental house and more sitting around for chit chat. There was a strange fog that rolled in between Ft Casey and Port Townsend in the evening sun. We assumed it was mom somehow saying thank you.

Wendy and Carolyn will sleep outside on the deck tonight, sorta like old times. We all headed to bed by 11pm.

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